Houston Moving Company
Our team of moving professionals has coordinated, managed, and performed domestic and international relocations for 28 years. In 1986, Randy Graves started Specialized Movers with the goal of becoming a Houston moving company that could service both residential and commercial relocations; over the years, this dream became a reality. Today, Specialized Movers is a versatile Houston moving company that handles anything from a simple residential move to major relocations for businesses, laboratories, and institutions.
As an authorized Atlas Van Lines agent in Houston, we have all of the company’s resources at our fingertips. This means we have a network of specialized transportation and storage services throughout the world specially suited to take care of your specific needs. Some of the resources include climate-controlled transportation and storage, trucks for oversized loads, cranes, and other technology.
In the past, we have moved sensitive materials, such as replica tomahawk missiles, parts for NASA, $200 million dollar computer rooms, climate controlled museum artifacts, and other highly valuable items.
At Specialized Movers, our dedication to quality customer service and expert management is reflected by our high client and employee retention rates. Virtually all of our clients are repeat customers. Moreover, many of employees have been with us for over a decade, which helps us build a more knowledgeable team.
When looking for a Houston Moving company, please contact us to learn more about our capabilities and our team.